Monday, January 10, 2011

Tote Presh Ish Ryte Hurr (translation - totally precious shit right here)

My Facebook status today was one of the reasons why I decided to create this blog; I realized that my statuses are just mere expressions of dislike towards a high percentage of my Facebook friends... sad right? I don't care, things need to be said, but from now on, this will be my outlet. Without any further ado here is my status:

"jelly, perf, presh, ridic, obvi... if you are a person that uses 2 or more of these words on a regular basis, please do me the favor of removing me as your friend. 

Stop shortening words, they are meant to be that long."

I don't know why our generation thinks shortening words is 'cute' or acceptable. It really isn't..
You sound like dumbasses with speech impediments, it's not attractive or appealing.
Please stop and realize that the people around you are thinking the same thing I am, they just may not be willing to say it. That's where I come in.

So when you hear your friends or colleagues talking as if a butcher is at their throats chopping words in half, smack them and remind them of how beings with higher levels of intelligence speak.

It's what a real friend would do.

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